APUF Application Form 2022

"*" indicates required fields

Project Overview

Provide an executive summary of the project. (350 words)

Project Lead(s)

Please list all participating divisions, as well as any student groups who are involved in this project.
Provide one paragraph for each of the primary collaborators in the proposed project that states their position (academic or non-academic) and provides and overview of their relevant expertise in relation to the proposed project.

Detailed Project Description

Proposal Grant tier*
Describe the reasons for undertaking this project and the goals you hope to achieve. What barriers will this project address, and how does it intersect with unit, division, and/or institutional access program goals? Consider including research to support your claims. Use of a critical equity lens and a theoretical framework for access is recommended. (750 words)
Provide a brief description of the expected outputs of the project. (250 words)
Which group or groups who are currently underrepresented at the University of Toronto will this project benefit, and how? (250 words)
How will students from underrepresented communities be recruited? How will these students be supported during the program? How will these relationships be sustained after the program is completed? (250 words)
How will you define and measure the success of this project? How will you ensure the assessment is appropriate and that it is rooted in anti-racism and anti-oppression? (250 words)
Provide a clear timeline, including major milestones and progress reports. (350 words)
Access is a longitudinal process that is part of a larger system change. What are the plans for sustaining and/or sharing the project beyond the APUF funding limits? Be as specific as you can be in your plans to secure sustainable funding. (250 words)
A short bibliography related to the development of the proposal. (250 words).

Project Budget

Accepted file types: pdf, Max. file size: 98 MB.
Upload a PDF version of the APUF chart of funds and itemized expenses (available for download on the Provost's website).
Provide a summary of the major rationales and justifications for the type, amount and duration of funds requested. Include as much information as possible on the major expenditure milestones (250 words)
Provide a brief description of existing university resources leveraged in support of the project. This can include staffing, personnel, equipment, and internal or external funding currently secured for this project. (250 words)

Divisional Support

Expand/Sustain/Build Grants: A letter of support from the sponsoring division’s Dean or Principal is required. Seed Grants: At a minimum, a letter of support from the head of the sponsoring academic unit (e.g., Department Chair) is required.
  • Letters for Expand/Sustain/Build Grants must be signed by the Dean of Division/Unit and/or Principal of Division. Letters for Seed grants must be signed by Dean of Division/Unit and/or Principal of Division, or at minimum by the head of the sponsoring academic unit (e.g., Department Chair).
  • Applicants will be required to upload the letter of support as part of the final proposal process.
  • Proposals are required to outline plans for sustaining the project once APUF funds have concluded. Therefore, this letter of support ensures that there is engagement from the sponsoring Division to review the project for ongoing funding (if applicable) upon the completion of the APUF grant.
Accepted file types: pdf, Max. file size: 98 MB.
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