Tri-Campus Review: Consultation on draft recommendations

Consultation on the draft recommendations of the Graduate Units and Academic Planning and Academic Change Working Groups

On March 29, 2018, the President and Provost announced the launch of the Tri-Campus Review, under the theme identified in Towards 2030, “One University, Three Campuses.” The Tri-Campus Review is guided by a steering committee and built upon five pillars, each with its own working group. Each working group has tri-campus representation and was asked to develop principles to guide future decision-making and propose changes to policy and procedure as appropriate.

Two of these working groups, the Graduate Units working group and the Academic Planning and Academic Change (APAC) working group, are inviting feedback on draft recommendations. These documents result from extensive consultation undertaken over the course of the last year. This previous consultation included an online questionnaire for academic administrators and faculty members, as well as meetings between Susan McCahan, Vice-Provost, Innovations in Undergraduate Education and chair of the APAC working group; Professor Alan Bewell, then-Special Advisor to the Vice-Provost, Graduate Research & Education and Dean of the School of Graduate Studies; and Deans, Chairs, Graduate Chairs, faculty members and graduate students.

Given the related nature of their mandates, both working groups have decided to move to the consultation phase together, and respondents are encouraged to review both recommendation documents when commenting.

The consultation website site is now closed.

Questions or comments about the Tri-Campus Review or the consultation process can be sent to

Read the draft recommendations of the Graduate Units Working Group. Note that this file includes two documents: an introductory note summarizing the current context for graduate units at the University, and a recommendations document.

Read the draft recommendations of the Academic Planning and Academic Change Working Group.